
Gain These Benefits: Cancer and Hair

I am mad, angry, hurt, devastated and surely confused.  This culprit of a disease has hit my life in more ways than one. Several family members,  aquaintances,  and friends and even on a more personal note my older sister  just two yer transitioned six years ago from this killer and my youngest sister is in remission from it now.  Research is the only path to a cure. If I can help spread awareness and the love I would be honored, to help improve the quality of life to whomever needs it, even if its just one person is an honor for me. Like I mentioned earlier, cancer has touched my life devastatingly personally and mentally as well. October is Breast Cancer awareness month.  Yearly mammograms saves lives. Breast Cancer awareness month is an annual campaign that raises awareness of risks, the value of screenings and early detection.   Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common among us  women. Hair extensions and wigs can play a major part in a cancer s

How To Use "Heat" The Right Way

 Heat and hair is the emphasis of this post for obvious reasons.  I asked over 100 women what reasons they would consider wearing extensions and what's some of the main reasons about their real  hair that even made them consider wearing hair extensions in the first place, the latter to the ones  whom already currently maintain extensions  versus their own hair.  Over half of the women I asked all mentioned heat somewhere in our conversation. Again, a lot of the women I asked to list some of the reasons they would  consider trying hair extensions.  Not one ever skirted around the fact, they didn't like a lot of high heat or chemicals in their own hair.   But each unambiguously did agree for these similar reasons they would or did agree to go a different route even for a little while  they would at least consider wearing extensions, because of the kick-ass styles extensions can produce.  Equally  important to me is maintaining your real hair, it don't have to be so dr

3 Quick Tips To Achieving Your Crown Of Glory

Three key aspects discussed here is, Protein treatments, Hot Oil treatments and Split Ends. Three hair healthy beauty regimens to achieving great looking hair. To most women our locks, our tresses, our hair, or whatever term you choose to use to define your hair its your own shining crown of glory. Literally  as a woman you are extremely careful who touches it and what is done to it 1. Try a protein treatment: Protein is in hair DNA and its made of 90% protein, specifically Keratin.  If your hair feels limp and weak it may be a sign that your hair needs a protein treatment. Protein helps make your hair less prone to breakage and over moisturizing.  Your hair will be a lot shinier for it too.  Be careful not to overuse otherwise, it will start to snap off.  You can use a store bought version or try your hand at making a do it yourself mask at home. First of all, protein helps to invigorate your hair and also helps it to grow. Rebuilding the areas of yo

Glue-ins vs Sew-ins

It's a fact,  weaves offer protection as well as a great deal of styling options. In addition, you can now even choose how your weave will be put in. Moreover, knowing the hair pros and cons of sew-in extensions vs glue-in extensions, you can make your own best choice for yourself. GLUE-INS: The link is, this style is virtually simple and a much faster process. Many women like using glue-ins because it's a easy way to get the look you want in a shorter amount of time. But glue- ins comes with pitfalls. Installation is simple but the removal process is when you may run into problems. It is apparent they can literally rip out your real hair upon taking them out and damage your crown of glory. Equally important patience is most definitely important when taking out your extensions. If rushed you can be sure your real hair can be damaged. Make sure to use a high quality adhesive made especially for weaves and extensions. They generally are inexpensive, but even a good qual

Best Tips Ever: Caring For And Embracing Your Locks

It might be surprising, but comb through hair carefully using a wide tooth comb. Remember to always start from the ends of your hair first, never comb hair straight down from the roots. Avoid using brushes, as they will only make your hair frizzy,  also avoid combing your hair every single day. Detangle your hair with your fingers if necessary. You may also be surprised to learn, excessive combing can actually break your hair off. Making sure your hair is slightly damp before you start to detangle, your hair is very vulnerable when its wet, so let air-dry awhile first. Consider using a comb attachment when blow- drying your hair. Let your hair air-dry a little first, then gently blow- dry your hair using a comb attachment. Which will reduce the amount of pulling and tugging, which can lead to breakage. You can also use a hair dryer as well. Positively, avoid heat styling whenever possible.  Use a lower temp along with heat protectant spray if you do.

What No One Tells You About Sulfur & Silicone

Use a moisturizing conditioner with light weight oils. Without a doubt oils like grape seed is easily absorbed by your hair than products like lanolin, which actually clogs and weighs down your locks. More importantly light weight oils will certainly moisturize your hair make it shiny and manageable but will not weigh your hair down. Specifically,  do not use products containing sulfur and silicone. Silicone is great making your hair smooth, but they can only be removed with sulfate, which is harsh cleaning agent that can lead to dry out and harsh hair. For example,  if you don't remove the silicone from your hair in a proper manner, your hair gets way too much buildup thus, ends up looking dull, greasy and brittle. Fortunately for you,  there are dozens if ways you can get your locks nice and silky smooth without silicone including, deep conditioners, coconut oil and nourishing masks. They're easily washed out without any of the dryness or brittleness. Su

All about me: My Story

I have never been the type of woman who freely talks about herself comfortably or even to talk about anything personal for that matter, especially to ones I don't know but here goes: This would be my first year blog of and I have to say I am extremely grateful that you came here to read my posts. I welcome my old friends here as well as my new ones.  I have 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls. Guess what all their names start with? If you said Dees you're so right, resulting in the name of my company which is My working background is in healthcare, with way over 17 years in the caring business.  I was born to share and I am a pint size geek at heart. I love learning new things, learning through trial and error as well as hands on experience. I'm here to let you know about a month ago my life totally changed. I thus wanted an online business that would help me out as a grandmother and in addition, help me free up some of my