Gain These Benefits: Cancer and Hair
I am mad, angry, hurt, devastated and surely confused. This culprit of a disease has hit my life in more ways than one. Several family members, aquaintances, and friends and even on a more personal note my older sister just two yer transitioned six years ago from this killer and my youngest sister is in remission from it now. Research is the only path to a cure. If I can help spread awareness and the love I would be honored, to help improve the quality of life to whomever needs it, even if its just one person is an honor for me. Like I mentioned earlier, cancer has touched my life devastatingly personally and mentally as well. October is Breast Cancer awareness month. Yearly mammograms saves lives. Breast Cancer awareness month is an annual campaign that raises awareness of risks, the value of screenings and early detection. Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common among us women. Hair extensions and wigs can play a major part in a cancer s